Not so easy to write about yourself…
Why did you choose this profession and how did you come up with this idea? These are probably the questions I get asked the most! I’ll give it a try…
First of all, you have to be a romantic – yes, I am! I love harmony, movies with happy endings and I am an eternal optimist. My family, my husband, our children and the friends who have become family are my everything. I followed a different career path for many years and I am blessed to say that for 20 years it was a job that I loved and that shaped and challenged me so much and prepared me for what I do today and what you (should) know when you decide to start your own business. During this time, I met wonderful people with whom I am still in contact today.
I went to grammar school, but as I was and still am a pragmatic person, I decided to train as a retail saleswoman after school. I have remained loyal to the perfumery and cosmetics industry all these years, but sales alone were not enough for me, so it had to be the industry and it had to keep going up. My vision and hard work ultimately earned me the position of Sales Director in Germany for a division within the Loreal Group. In 2016, however, I realized more and more that the time had come to be there more for my family. My husband has been working successfully in the event industry since 1996 and so it came about as it had to: I was no longer just there for him and the respective projects “on the side”, but they were “my” projects. The organization and planning of various events and weddings were the order of the day.
I’ve been involved in weddings for a long time, because my additional qualification as a make-up artist means that I’ve often been in front of the brides’ brushes and was there when it was all about the big day. So one thing led to another and the decisive moment was probably the bridal couple who were celebrating in our Irish pub and whose events I planned and accompanied, that I asked myself why I wouldn’t do this professionally. “Never two self-employed people in the same industry in one family,” I always said to my husband, and yet I left my beloved cosmetics business at the end of 2016 and embarked on a path of reorientation.
Every day that I can now do something that touches my heart, that I can make other people happy, that I can go home in the evening and be full of ideas, every day that I can look into happy faces, support bridal couples, get to know wonderful people and become a part of their story, every day that I can be creative, spontaneous and full of zest for action is a good day. I am very aware of the responsibility I am taking on for this one day, but this awareness inspires me and drives me to do my best and leave no stone unturned to fulfill the wishes.